Swabra Bridges

Petite Fashion Influencer


Elevating Women with sophistication in her Fashion Style. Find out more by reading the blogs, subscribe to the newsletter and follow Swabra on social media for more petite fashion style inspiration.


The Author

Swabra Bridges

Swabra Bridges is a self-proclaimed fashion influencer. Her love for fashion has been since she was 14 years old. She elevates women with sophistication in her fashion style. Swabra believes simplicity is the ultimate elegance. Fast fashion is not for everyone as we see it day to day hence , she discovered the need to showcase her elegant style to women like her -petite with ease and comes so natural to Swabra. The journey is so exciting and fulfilling through embracing great values of sustainable fashion and showcasing timeless fashion that is not only affordable but of high quality. Find out more of what Swabra has to impress you.